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R. v. H.G. and others - involved an extensive drug trafficking investigation that commenced in 2011 and was named project "Kingfisher".  After vigorous Charter applications revealed significant defects in the Durham Regional Police Service investigation, including criminal conduct by P.C. James Ebdon and serious misconduct by P.C. Jason Price, but did not result in the exclusion of any evidence against H.G.' the federal Crown offered a "time served" sentence for any charge of my client's choosing after earlier indicating they were seeking an 8 year sentence on an early resolution.  With my instructions and the client's denial of any wrong doing, the client rejected this offer and within a week and without notice to us, the federal Crown stayed the charges against my client and others with only a couple of weeks until the two week trial was about to start.  Client has no record with respect to these charges.  There was no meaningful discipline of any sort to officers Ebdon or Price - see R. v. Guindon, 2015 ONSC 4028 (CanLII) 

"I owe my life to the hard work and dedication of my lawyer Alan Bruce Richter because without him I would have lost years of my life to corruption"

R. v. D.D. - Durham Regional Police drug investigation involving numerous accused persons.  A successful Charter challenge of the warrant as it pertained to my client resulted in the exclusion of a 1kg brick of cocaine and a further 21gm bag from evidence and as such the client was acquitted outright and continues to not have a criminal record.

" I owe everything to Alan Richter, the drugs were left in my home without my knowledge or consent and the police lied in the warrant to raid my house at gun point in the middle of the night where my elderly parents and grandmother lived.  My first lawyer on these charges wanted me to plead because he said he couldn’t beat the warrant but Alan did and I am forever grateful"

R. v. Connor Sharpe - charged with second degree murder after a stabbing at a gas station in Bolton.  Client acquitted of all charges by a jury based on successful self-defence argument.  Client is a young man with his life ahead of him with no criminal record.

"Your experience, professionalism and dedication to my case has given me a new gift that I will never forget.  Know that your work changes people's lives big time.  We are so grateful."

R. v. Singh - young man charged with trafficking cocaine and possession of 13 ounces of cocaine in his family home.  Durham Police execute warrant and locate drugs.  After a successful Charter challenge of the warrant the 13 ounces of drugs were excluded.  Client was convicted of trafficking on separate overwhelming evidence but acquitted in relation to the 13 ounces of cocaine which carried a significant jail sentence.

"Thanks you so much for your guidance through this surreal situation. The knowledge, communication and feedback from the team at Richter Law was impressive and reassuring , and though the final outcome was predictable but not promised , I am thrilled with the “withdrawn” results.  I can now return to my everyday life with no dark cloud above . Life lessons come in many different ways and I can appreciate the emotional intelligence I have gained from this situation .

Whenever discreetly possible I will recommend the Richter teams services."

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